Our Events
Our past events at TEDxIMTHyderabad have captured the essence of Technology, Entertainment, and Design. Featuring thought-provoking talks and inspirational profiles, these events broadened perspectives and deepened knowledge. With insightful stories and world-class solutions shared by speakers from around the globe, we’ve continually sparked enlightenment and learning in our audience.

Tour de Epiphany
At TEDxIMTHyderabad, "Tour de Epiphany" offered a unique blend of physical challenge and intellectual exploration. The event guided participants through a… Read more
Over the years, TED also has grown to serve as a safe haven for ideas and people to strive upwards and aim for their goals. To continue on this journey... Read more

Eons ago, a Velarium stood over the Colosseum, bringing people together for years to come. Centuries later, in the year 1984, TEDx laid its awning over the world, bringing together… Read more
We are the generation of a race that is bridled by the tenets of standardization. We drive on the readiness to evolve with the insight of yin-yang. Humans have their penchant to explore… Read more

The Imperfect Blend
Think of baking a lovely cake! We need the right measure of all ingredients, which are put together to create something spectacular. We often hear terms such as… Read more
Speak To Bore
While the first edition of TEDx was a super hit, we naturally wanted to surpass it and make the second one even better. And how could we do that?… Read more
Because, we just decided to
Sounds like an impulsive name but to the very opposite, this theme was decided upon after numerous hours of debating, deliberating... Read more